01511 755 71 51 info@ao-dance.com


“Simple, uncomplicated and, despite the time difference to the USA, no problem to practice. The dance was amazing and really got the party started”

Betty from Cologne

individual mother-son dance

“For my daughter’s wedding I wanted to give something special, and a flash mob turned out to be just the ticket. The only problem was that my daughter lives in Vancouver, and her guests were people who live all over the world. AO Dance was the perfect solution for me, as online learning allowed everyone to practice. It worked out great, and the surprise was a great success. The bride and groom even joined in by the end, ensuring a great atmosphere. I can wholeheartedly recommend this as a gift.“ (translated from German)

Dorothee from Ludwigshafen

flash mob number one

“Friends recommended AO dance to us, because we are so busy with our jobs that it is very hard to physically go to a dance school. We met on Skype and learned everything through videos. We also had two online private lessons, to iron out a few little details and ask questions. It was great and we would do it again in a heartbeat.” (translated from German)

Katharina und Björn from Aschaffenburg

individual first dance

“We wanted to surprise our daughter and her husband at their wedding. All guests dancing to the groom’s favorite song seemed like a great idea. AO Dance helped us to turn that idea into a reality. The dance was very well received and everybody had great fun. The surprised and happy faces of the bride and groom alone made the flash mob worth it!” (translated from German)

Susanne und Ingo from Lorsch

custom made flash mob

“One week before our wedding we suddenly realised that we completely forgot about the first dance. At first we wanted to leave it out entirely, but our maid of honour told us about AO Dance and we were able to book a private lesson at very short notice. Our wedding dance was saved. Annika taught us a waltz to our song in just one hour and we were able to open the dance floor without any problems.” (translated from German)

Nora und Hansi from Heppenheim

emergency dance lesson

“Full of energy and Easter joy. Sister Act says hi 😉 ”

protestant deanery Mainz, Germany

dance for an easter service

“We thought up something really special for our wedding dance. We wanted to start with a classical waltz, followed by a Medley in the vein of ‘Evolution of Dance’, going from the Charleston to Rumba, Salsa, Schuhplattler and freestyle. We arranged the music ourselves, and then Annika helped us with fitting the choreography. She taught us all steps through Skype-calls, because we live 500 km away. This was great, because we could practice whenever fit us best, and did not have to take a long drive in the summer heat. It worked great, and was really convenient. We were absolutely blown away and we would do it again any time. We would definitely recommend it for anyone who wants something special.“ (translated from German)

Inga & Stephan from Bürstadt

custom made first dance

“A great surprise for my partner’s 60th birthday! Especially as his friends are usually absolute “non-dancers”. Even a big surprise for me in the end when suddenly my partner joined us! (translated from German)”

Manuela from Lorsch

custom made flash mob

„We wanted to dance our first dance to our song „beautiful day by U2“. So we needed someone to teach us an individual routine as we haven’t really danced before. I started completely from zero. AO Dance offered us a package to learn it in a combination of private lessons and videos. So we met three times and in between we could practise the dance with videos. That way we could not forget about the steps. Pretty convenient as well to watch them when and as often as you want.

We were super happy with the very quick results!“

Elsa und Olivier aus Hamburg

Individueller Hochzeitstanz

„Being invited to one of Annika’s dance lessons was a life changing moment for me. Soon I was able to feel comfortable on the dance floor, smile at my partner, and move my body with confidence. Starting with ‚Disco Fox‘, then ‚Waltz‘, ‚Rumba‘ & ‚Boogie‘. Annika guided us through all the steps, and her lessons were part of my life. I never wanted to miss a single lesson! I thoroughly recommend anyone to ‚AO Dance’“

Chris aus Bristol


“…the spirit on the dance floor has literally exploded… I hope a bit of that comes across in the video! The birthday “child” was amazed and surprised and did not understand anything until the end. Thank you again! and if there is another occasion… I will come to you again! best regards”

Irene from Baden-Württemberg

individual flash mob

“We received a flash mob that was arranged by AO Dance and we are still impressed. All our guests, from young to old suddenly joined on the dance floor, which at that point almost seemed to be too small! We had no idea and even as it started it took us a while to realise what was going on. It was a great experience. Even friends that rarely ever dance joined in. We were speechless. It was a perfect surprise but it was also great for the guests themselves: it forged a bond between the separate little groups you usually get at a party. We would love to get a gift like this again any day. We’ve had many friends tell us that the organisation by AO Dance, with their video lessons was instrumental to the success of the flash mob because of how easy it was to learn. And also that it was great fun to learn! J:) ” (translated from German)

Anke und Stefan from Hamburg

custom made flash mob

“The idea to do something different than a standard wedding waltz was born at a breakfast I had with Annika. While her and I were on the same page from the beginning, my future husband still needed some convincing. Remus had no dance experience at that point, whereas I had done both ballet and modern dance. Fortunately he turned out to be a quick learner and joined us in our quest to surprise our guests with a special dance.

Annika helped us to find exactly what music and dance worked for us. The songs were quickly found and then Annika made us a choreography. We then learned our dance through online private lessons.

When the big day finally came we were very excited. My mom even asked us whether she had to support the both of us with our dance, thinking we would do a slow waltz. I have rarely seen her more surprised than at the moment she saw us suddenly change dance styles. It was a great success and we are very grateful to Annika for helping us with this amazing choreography.“ (translated from German)

Simone und Remus from Lorsch

custom made wedding dance

Your testimonial

Share your success story with AO Dance with us! We love to psot your personal success story here. JUst tell us what it is, with a picture or a video, if you like. And if you post your story on facebook or instagram we don’t hestitate to mention us 🙂

You can reach us either via telephone, text or whatsapp on +49 (0)1511 7557151 oder via e-mail to info@ao-dance.com