01511 755 71 51 info@ao-dance.com

Know how

The best wedding shoes


As so often, the best bridal shoes do not have to be the most expensive. What makes a good wedding shoe? For both bride and groom? I think that can be summed up quite briefly. A good wedding shoe: Has to be comfortable! After all, you spend many hours standing and walking in it. Has […]

A flash mob as a special gift


A few years ago, they first came up in the US, then in Europe – now flash mobs are also popular as a surprise gift for weddings, big birthdays and anniversaries. One of the first flash mobs coming up with a high click-through rate on Youtube was undoubtedly in New York City. Thousands of people […]

Dancing against dementia


Dancing is the best prevention of senile dementia and a therapy for Parkinson’s disease. It is proven that dancing keeps you not only physically but also mentally fit! A neuroscientist at Columbia University has discovered that dancing is basically a “win-win hobby”. By moving synchronised to music, different centers of the brain are addressed. Music stimulates the reward centers of the brain, while dancing itself activates the sensory and motor circuits. […]

Measures per minute (mpm), what is that?


Which dance suits what song and what do I dance to which bar? How does one know which dance to dance to a certain song? […]

We practise but…. It does not work


We practice at home, looked at the video tutorials… but we are still unconfident on the dance floor … what should we do? First of all: Don’t give up!! Everyone learns differently and it takes patience and practice until two people speak the same language of dancing, or until two people can dance harmoniously with each other. Also learning a flash mob needs a little patience until you feel comfortable with the steps, that is quite normal! […]